

To apply for admission to this MA  you must complete the application on the University of Alcalá’s online platform. The platform can be accessed through the home page on the University of Alcalá website.

Information regarding the process, dates for application, required documents, and admission results are available on the Escuela de Postgrado.

Contact Information:

  • All paperwork and inquiries related to online application, admission, and submitting of documents can be completed at:

Escuela de Posgrado. Servicio de Estudios Oficiales de Posgrado
Colegio de León
C/ Libreros, 21, 2nd floor
28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Telefphone: +34 91 885  6975 / 6976 / 6877
Fax: +34 91 885 6889

  • Inquiries related to the eligibility of candidates or the structure and development of the MA can be completed at:

Translation and Interpretation Program Administrative Office:

Colegio de los Trinitarios

Despacho Jorge Luis Borges

C/ Trinidad 1, 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)

Telephone: +34 91885 5309

E-mail: /