The registration process (and tuition payment) can be carried out through the University of Alcalá’s pre-registration website at the University of Alcalá (University of Alcalá’s website).
All information related to the process of pre-registration, registration, legalization, document accreditation, price and payment is available on the same webpage (Escuela de Postgrado). For further information you can contact it by email or Tel.: 918856865.
The price must be approved every year by the Comunity of Madrid. You can find more information about price and payment on the following webpage: Escuela de Postgrado. You can also check this direct link to the list of prices by MA published by the Escuela de Postgrado.
Information related to accreditation and validation of degrees and studies completed at foreign universities to current Doctorate and MAs can be found at the Escuela de Postgrado.